
Providence college sas statistical software
Providence college sas statistical software

providence college sas statistical software

Applets also contain assessment questions to test students’ comprehension. Applet Activities are visual interactives that allow students to manipulate data and variables in calculations and see the results graphically.

providence college sas statistical software

Over 140 StatTutors-multimedia tutorials that explore important concepts and procedures in a presentation that combines video, audio, and interactive features-are assignable, gradeable, and organized by chapter.A mobile, interactive e-book, powered by VitalSource, allows students to highlight and take notes, print select pages, and have the text read aloud to them.Easy-to-use reporting tools help teachers pinpoint areas to focus on in class.

providence college sas statistical software

  • LearningCurve adaptive quizzing puts the concept of "testing to learn" into action, motivating students to engage with the text's content to identify areas of proficiency.
  • Questions with algorithmically regenerating values.
  • Every homework question includes a hint, answer-specific feedback, and a fully worked solution.
  • Over 3,000 homework questions of varying difficulty, Bloom’s level, and question type.
  • Brief, optional “Beyond the Basics” sections give quick overviews of topics such as density estimation, the bootstrap, big data, relative risk, regression trees, and meta-analysis. PSBE is aware of current developments both in statistical science and in teaching statistics. But they also learn the conceptual ties between regression and correlation, the importance of looking for influential observations. Students learn the technique of leastsquares regression and how to interpret the regression slope. PSBE uses real examples and exercises from business and economics to illustrate and enforce key ideas.

    providence college sas statistical software

    Focus not only on the analysis of data and the traditional topics of probability and inference but also on the sources and production of data. PSBE examines the nature of modern statistical practice at a level suitable for beginners.

    Providence college sas statistical software